Colton Superfast Broadband Why it's important and how we can get it......Mike Postle (

Making it Easier

In a post last Summer, I outlined the launching of a more generous voucher scheme for rural areas – the Rural Gigabit Broadband Connectivity scheme (RGC) which is offering £3.5k for businesses and £1.5k for residents with no requirement for a fixed ratio of businesses to residential properties and a requirement to take upwards of (only) a 30 Mbps service. This DCMS scheme is still open but take up through the Community Fibre Partnership (CFP) scheme has not been as strong as envisaged. Partly this is because of the requirement for a legal entity to contract with the provider – usually Openreach – and the financial risks involved.
Openreach are now actively looking at helping this process by taking the financial risk themselves where a 70% take up of vouchers would cover the whole cost of a scheme. In such a case, there would be no need for a legal entity to represent the community.
This potentially could help fill in the few not spots we have in the north of the Parish but it also means that if there is a cluster of properties on the edge of an area already covered by a fibre cabinet (FTTC) which currently get less that 30 Mbps then they might be able to look to their own CFP. Given that fibre cabinets are classed as a node now, a viable scheme may result from very few properties (more than 2) – especially if one or more were businesses.
Let me know if you are interested in following this up. As always for this type of scheme, it requires some drive and commitment from those who potentially stand to benefit.