Colton Superfast Broadband Why it's important and how we can get it......Mike Postle (

Coming to a postcode near you?

We’re a bit clearer now about the currently planned times scales for connecting parts of our Parish to Superfast Broadband – and it seems to be good news. Current planning indicates that the areas served by Satterthwaite, Greenodd and Newby Bridge exchanges are due to go live within the next 6 months with a target date of December this year.

You can now check the planned connectivity in your area by opening the appropriate page on the BT Openreach site and inputting your postcode. The Connecting Cumbria web site also links to BT Openreach postcode data but its mapping data is not up to date.

As always, there is a health warning! The information is subject to change as work takes place on the ground. Blocked ducts and other problems could see revisions of the current information.