Colton Superfast Broadband Why it's important and how we can get it......Mike Postle (

We’re coming up to step 5a….

Following on from our meeting last month, we’ve been asked to a further meeting with the team from the Connecting Cumbria project on January 10th. So let’s hope Santa has something good in store for us. Step 5a – which is what the meeting is all about - is defined as:

Connecting Cumbria with BT produce more detailed information on likely coverage and discuss options for delivery, which will allow the community to scope the (Community build) project.

So it looks as if we’ll get down to some detail, which will then allow us all to put our heads together and see what we can come up with to get the maximum connectivity into the Parish.

In the meantime, all the best to everyone for the Christmas period and best wishes for the New Year.