Colton Superfast Broadband Why it's important and how we can get it......Mike Postle (

What’s going on in Cumbria?

There are approximately 251,000 premises in Cumbria. The commercial roll-out of superfast broadband technology aims to cover 46% of these. Connecting Cumbria is the County Council run project for building on the commercial investments of BT and others and making sure that we get the best broadband connections in Cumbria that are possible. Connecting Cumbria aims to connect a further 47% of premises with superfast broadband technology. Information and news on  -


The project has a budget of £51m made up from a number of sources and has a target to bring superfast broadband (up to 80 Mb/s) to 93% of Cumbrian homes and businesses: the remaining 7% to get at least 2Mb/s – all by 2015. BT is the chosen contractor and they aim to roll the project out using the same teams that are currently engaged in the commercial roll out. Roll-out is scheduled for completion by the end of 2015.